Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Lately, as some of my readers so bluntly pointed out, I haven't written much. Well it's been due to a lack of inspiration. I've been quite busy and nothing has really tickled my fancy. However, I have found inspiration in a most unlikely place!

The past few days my streak of nerdness has completely skyrocketed. I began by trying to write about that, but I felt it just wasn't interesting enough to post, so I scrapped it. However I didn't scrap the nerdness. That has continued. Between my struggles and triumphs in trying to install WoW on my computer for the past week, and my recent spending binge on Magic cards, I've realized I've really been slacking in the male awesomeness department, and I find myself not caring. Sure I browse every once in awhile to check on the rookies and I have ESPN on when I'm bored, but I already know Aaron Rodgers will lead us to another solid season and Brett Favre is retired. What I didn't realize is that I'm so ashamed of my inner nerd, which surprised me.

I've been collecting trading cards and playing video games since I can remember, but I've always kept a foot in the other door, always keeping up with sports. The tide has ebbed and flowed. I've spent summers building giant lego star wars and I've spent summers on soccer and lacrosse fields. Saturdays online playing StarCraft, Sundays playing golf or chilling in a bar watching football(or both if you dip after your front 9). In short, I was never fully committed to one or the other, sports because I didn't try hard enough, and being a nerd because it's not cool.

But today I realized why I've always loved being a nerd. It came in the form of a friendly smile from the girl who works at the local comic book store. I walked in there this afternoon to purchase more of the new core set, and there was about 7-8 grown men chilling in the back talking about random things(I think it was michelle obama when I walked in). I picked out my packs(which I've yet to open, due to inspired-ness) and as I was paying for them, I asked her what the occasion was. "Oh, them? Just Wednesday."

A bunch of 30 something aged dudes were chilling in a comic book store shootin' the shit because it was Wednesday. You can't find a group of friendlier people than that. I thanked the girl, waved goodbye to the hippie wife of one of the dudes and walked out smiling. You won't find happiness like that in a bar watching football, or on a golf course hacking away with your 9-iron. Nope, a simple wide grin like that can only be accomplished by walking out of a loud and full game shop with a fresh set of cards.

If anyone from Lost Realms happens to read this, I deserve some free stuff.

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