Friday, July 17, 2009

/Cave: The trials and tribulations of a recovering WoW addict.

Lately I've been suffering from a particularly severe set of withdrawals from World of Warcraft. For those of you who live under rocks, it's the most addicting drug video game since Black Tar Heroin...Pong. Anywho, I've been keeping the urges at bay by reasoning that my laptop has a HUGE crack on the right side of it so even if I installed it I wouldn't be able to play. However, as they say, 'Mayo is a resourceful beast' and I'm positive that I could minimize the game and play on the top left side of my screen. Not helping the matter AT ALL is my father, who said that his computer(which has WoW installed on it) is starting to slow down and he's pondering getting a new one. Which would leave me a very nice desktop with an HD screen and an already installed WoW ripe for the playing. I'm beginning to have a serious problem...

Usually when I'm hit with the urge, I play a similar, yet non-life destroying game. Champions of Norrath, the console games from the famous Everquest series, provide the mind numbing hours of game play, but a conclusion to the game which then loops. Usually I can play a loop or two and have all the raiding out of my system, however, my PS3 has decided to stop playing anything but Blu-Ray discs, which makes me wonder if it's mad at me for still watching DVD's on it.

With Norrath not working, I whipped out CoD4, my old nemesis, to start up again. I'd forgotten that all my memory was deleted in my attempts to get Norrath to work and had to start over from scratch. Unfortunately for me, my gamer tag is FlamboyantHomo, and I'm starting with the piss poor guns and trinkets which means I'm not exactly going to carry the team as usual(and therefore inspire the leadership neccessary to convince people I'm a better asset to their ego alive), and people(particularly my teammates) tend to giggle when they shoot gay people(or in my case, percievably gay people). Too ashamed to put on my headset to yell at them, I was at the mercy of assholes(a shoutout to those limey bastards from the GB!) who continued to enforce the Don't Ask/Get Shot in the Head policy of CoD4. Perhaps they were pissed off that murdering gay people is now a hate crime in america(Thanks to Obama, all minorities are now hated equally, people who murder others are just going to have to plead insanity now), or perhaps people in britain just dislike gay people.
Regardless, there are other alternatives I've tried. I bought WoW books, which I thought might supply my addiction with a slow steady stream of WoW to satiate my needs, like a nicorete patch. It did no such thing. I even signed up for a couple online poker tournaments. But nothing worked. Nothing stimulated my mind.
So, with CoD4, Norrath, my WoW book, and gambling out of the question, I could only turn to my faithful blog for help, and it's provided none whatsoever. I believe this time, with community college a safe month away, I might just give in.
I really should consider picking up smoking or something, at least then I'll look cool while slowly throwing my life away.


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