Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Super Awesome Post

Ok so it's been going on a month or so since the last post and I sincerely apologize. I stopped writing about the time I started studying for finals(3.75 GPA first semester!), I just started adding on other projects to accomplish, so I'm compensating for my neglect with The Super Awesome Post. I'm going to make this post as super awesome as possible. Here's a bunch of stories condensed and fitted for your screen.

EVERYONE turned 18 this December(except sean, and me, turning 19) so all of us decided to go to the casino to enjoy our new found right to gamble. I have no idea where Milutin was at this point. Anyways! We go to the hardrock in Hollywood and we play the slots. I made 10 dollars right away. Jason was out a 40 spot early. Then we got kicked off the floor because you have to be 21 to play the slots. So we hit up the hardrock cafe. I got a huge steak, I dropped close to fitty on the meal with tip. We went to sit down to play poker but we couldn't all get on the same table. So instead of just admitting defeat, we go to another casino! Seminole Coconut Creek. I sat down first at a limit 1-2 table, and the guys slowly joined as people left. The buy in was 50 bucks. Kris left with about half his money, being the wisest of us, Jason left with nothing(he was out a hundo+ for the night easy), and I was down about 10-20 dollars(+a very nice steak) after I won a big hand right before I was about to leave. Matt, on the other hand, played just about every hand, and went up big on a hand after he won. My brother was sitting at the table, for reasons I'm not quite sure(he went to a panther game that night and then went up like 400 bucks playing black jack at the hardrock), and he asked what he won with. "Pair of sevens BRO!" and after that I think we made a gambler out of Matt. He continued to see every flop. We all got up and left, but Matt remained on the table. He wouldn't leave. Finally after about 5 texts and 10 minutes, he abandoned his new found gambling addiction a few bucks down and we cashed in and left. Afterwards we went to my place and drank the night away. Milutin(who made it for the drinking aspect of this night) ended up in my bed and I was unable to sleep, so I took a bath and read Atlas Shrugged, then drove to the apartment. My mom the next morning was pissed I drove after drinking, and I simply proclaimed, "I don't care how piss wasted you are, after two hours of reading that book, you're sober as hell."

I recently had a dream that the fabled Heineken Heinekeg(that I stole from Ashley Bray) was stolen, and I had to go on an adventure with Ashley to get it back. All she did was bitch the entire trip and complain about how dumb I was. Of course, I was awoken early in the morning in pain with an actual migrane from all the bitching. I crawled across the floor to ensure the Heinkeg was safe and then returned to bed to try to sleep in agony.

Another dream of note was getting attacked by ZOMBIE JUGGERNAUTS. For those of you who don't play CoD, zombies you're already familiar with but Juggernauts you may not be. Juggernauts are this big fucking guys with every inch of the body covered with lots and lots of body armor. Like Jedi, Sharingan possessors, or clones of Dick Cheney, it's very tough to kill one, and damn near impossible to kill a group. In CoD: World at War, you can fight Nazi Zombies. That's hard enough. In CoD: Modern Warfare 2, you fight Russian Juggernauts. That's a pain in the ass. In my sick twisted fucking mind, I fight ZOMBIE JUGGERNAUTS. It was terrible. I had two desert eagles, and I was in a small confined series of rooms(the Pentagon?), and they just started attacking me. I'd empty entire clips into their heads and they wouldn't go down. I just remember having the guns knocked out of my hands before I woke up. I grabbed my phone and texted Kris telling him to come hold me.

Over break I read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and it has affected me in so many ways I could, should, and want to write a book about it, but this is one instance worth noting. After reading it, what little faith remained in my being was in jeopardy. I kind of put my catholic faith to the side and decided not to think about it. I've always been at odds with belief in God and although I envy those who do believe, I cannot do it myself. I found my footing recently when I saw a status online saying "If man's life is ruled solely by reason, all life is lost" or something along those lines. Reading this I immediately thought "Here is the enemy!" and posted a retort in defense of reason, saying reason is the ONLY thing that should rule a man's life. The lad argued destiny controlled a man's life, to which I replied in short, if a man charges at me with a knife, it's reason that moves me out of the way, not destiny. Unless I choose to get stabbed, which is always my choice. It was then that I realized my comments were deleted. I reposted one and it got deleted again. I thought, did he really just delete my comments? Am I an asshole for challenging his beliefs, or an educator? And then I went on with my day not bothered by my deleted comments because I was right, and reason was defended. I made him think at least. I later texted my friend Justin Karpf that night to tell him I was wrong everytime I defended faith and argued with him for hours on end about it. It was one of the easiest and most difficult things I've ever done. I feel only slight remorse for abandoning Catholicism, because I was baptised a catholic by my grandfathers wishes, and he was a great man. Perhaps it's not totally abandoned, but simply a sham relationship to make people happy. Like a politician.

I recently started playing WoW again, but luckily, tennis is also back in season, so I'm getting more net exercise than before I started playing WoW. WoW is a bit more user friendly these days for noobs like me, and Milly and I are getting better at serving in tennis. Our ball handling skills have gotten better too.

This semester I originally registered for Descriptive Astronomy, AMH from 1865, ENC1102, and Statistics. However, the school screwed me over by giving Dr. Hill(my professor) all AMH to 1865 classes and put me in with some other guy. I loved Dr. Hill so much I decided I’d wait to take him this summer, so I had to register for a new class. I picked Intro to Fiction Writing. The ratings online for the professor were good and they all said he was a hippie. I thought it might be interesting to learn from a hippie. I was very, very, very wrong. I left after about 12 minutes in his class, and vowed to never, ever go back. It was a dreadful experience. I went home that night and dropped the class, and signed up for an Earth Science class on Wednesday nights. The professor is an older black guy(I call him Professor NoSwagger) who has no business teaching an 8th grade science class. I find him more educational than the hippie.

I got a new 46” Sanyo HDTV for Christmas this year. Just thought I’d let you know.

I saw a kid I knew who was a few years older than me and a total idiot in high school that I really didn’t like working at Subway recently. It made me really happy.

Green Bay made it to the playoffs and got knocked out by the Cardinals. But it's ok because Drew Breeees handled the Vikings and Brett lost another NFC championship for his team by throwing a stupid pick. Go Saints!

As some of you may know, I am a total Boss at CoD4: Modern Warfare. Well Modern Warfare 2 came out awhile ago, and the story is cool but its a pretty big and unrealistic leap from the first game which made me sad, because I thought the first one had a spectacular story line. Anyways, I'm not sure if it's because I was such a boss at the first game and I'm struggling to adapt to the new one or if the new game just isn't as good, but I can hardly ever bring myself to play online. I played online the whole first week and then after I set up the new tv and organized all my games, I started playing other stuff(Star Wars: Battlefront 2, still the best game ever). I have almost 25 PS3 games, and about 10 older ps2 games I've found. I also have the N64 and Super Nintendo with every game you could possibly want in stock as well. I owe a belated great thanks to my brother for letting me steal the N64 and Super Nintendo while he's in law school, I hope I get to put them to good use.

Kris and I have been doing the Spec Ops on CoD:MW2 and our goal is to beat every stage on the hardest level by the end of college, whenever that comes. We have about 4 levels left, two of which are insanely difficult. We got this!

I've withdrawn and recalled every cent I have in my bank account and investments to invest it all in Mountain Dew Voltage, because it is absolute GOLD.

Here's a funny picture I doodled on of Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic being Novak Djokervic. Don't sue me(who am I kidding?)!

My Paint skills are absurd.

For those of you who haven't seen The Book of Eli yet, I suggest you do so as soon as possible, because it's friggin amazing. In all honesty, I will probably place it at the top of my favorite movies of all time list. I won't ruin anything with spoilers yet, I'll make an individual post after the bluray(no longer the day of dvds) release. Just let it be known that Book of Eli is to Mayo as Metropolis was to Hitler.

Jay Mariotti is the biggest DOUCHE in the entire universe.

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